| Atef Sadek became SAPESCO Africa Chairman in September, 2016, and before that wasthe CEO of SAPESCO since he joined in July 2014. Just before joining us in SPIC (holds the majority of SAHARA Group Companies' share capital) he was General Manager, and Managing Director at El Waha Petroleum Company (representing Sahara Oil & Gas). Atef has 38 years of experience in the petroleum field. He spent 24 years in GUPCO petroleum Company in different key positions (Engineering Gen. Mgr., Gulf of Suez Gen. Mgr., and Deputy Operation Gen. Mgr. & Board Member). He was the Chairman & Managing Director for Qarun Petroleum Company, Agiba Petroleum Company, Belayim Petroleum Company, and Tharwa Petroleum Company. He also was a Board Member of the Egyptian General Petroleum Company (EGPC), Enpi, and PMS'. He also was the First Undersecretary for Mineral Resources "Ministry of Petroleum". Atef Sadek has graduated from Cairo University, Petroleum Engineering branch, 1973 with an overall grade very good. |