Geophysical / Geotechnical Surveys - Offshore Services
With proven track record and up to date spread, SOS provides its customers with high quality data acquisition, interpretation and presentation through geophysical and geotechnical surveys and assessments of the seabed.
This includes:
Rig and Platform Site Surveys
To enable predicting jack-up leg penetration and semi-sub anchor holding capacity, SAPESCO provides a variety of geophysical surveying and geotechnical investigation, which enables mapping geohazards. This includes shallow gas, areas of potential hydrates and active faulting zones.
Pipeline and Cable route surveys
Combining and integrating its geophysical and geotechnical capabilities, SAPESCO supports the sub-sea linear structures and the design and installation stages. These structures include flow lines, oil and gas pipelines and umbilical.
As Laid and As Built Pipeline Surveys
The as-laid survey will define: the accurate position of the pipeline, and the pipe-seabed configuration. The as laid survey is performed to gather the information as absolute position of the pipeline, condition of seabed in the vicinity of the pipeline, Configuration of pipeline relative to seabed, height, length and position of any pipeline span, and Pipeline/cable crossings areas, if any.
Geotechnical Surveys
SAPESCO provides a variety of geotechnical methods for seabed sampling and testing tools, to acquire accurate information on the seabed structure. These methods include grap samples, vibrocorers and mini Cone Penetrometer testing (CPT).
Bathymetric charting of the sea floor
In single beam echo sounders, the E/S measures the water depth only along its track, and output this measurement to the navigation software to be logged. Following the survey, this data is processed to provide a contour for the surveyed area.
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